Press room
2015 press releases
Posted: 23/06/15
Are you a responsible rider? Take the petplan equine quiz and find out.
Petplan Equine, a leading UK specialist equine insurance provider, is inviting all riders to support its new Responsible Riders initiative by taking part in an online quiz to find out how responsible they are and how they can improve.
As one of the UK’s leading equine insurers Petplan Equine believes in prevention rather than cure. The company wants to encourage riders and owners to look at the ways in which they can take additional care when out riding, at competitions and in the yard to help prevent illness as well as accidents or injury to their horse.
The quiz focuses on topics relating to best practise in horse health and wellbeing but also includes questions that relate to behaviour at competitions and when riding for pleasure, providing advice on how riders should be aware of others (horses riders, drivers and dog walkers) whether they are at the yard, out hacking or at an event. Many accidents arise from a lack of care or concentration and in the same way that drivers need to be aware of other road users riders need to be conscious of many potential hazards associated with riding in order to avoid potentially dangerous or harmful situations.
“Horses can be unpredictable and illness and injury can occur unexpectedly at any time,” explained Charlotte Collyer, senior marketing executive for Petplan Equine, “We all think of ourselves as responsible riders but do we always make the best decisions when it comes to our horses’ welfare? Our quiz is designed to be a fun and informative way to highlight where riders might, in fact, be going wrong. We hope that it might give them ‘pause for thought’ as well as tips on how to be more aware of those they come in contact with when riding and in particular of their own horses’ needs.
The quiz is free to take and is available online at www.petplanequine.co.uk/responsibleriders
For more information please contact:
Name | Telephone |
Kate Hopkins | (0208) 580 8024 |
- Petplan Equine offers comprehensive insurance cover for horses and ponies aged from 30 days. Established 25 years ago, Petplan Equine understands the evolving equestrian market and strives to enhance knowledge and understanding of the equine world through employing horse enthusiasts and working closely with the equine industry.
- Petplan Equine is part of the Petplan brand. Founded in 1976, Petplan is the UK's largest pet insurance provider, offering comprehensive cover for dogs, cats, rabbits and horses.
Note to editors:
Media enquiries: for further information, please contact:
Andrea Worrall at The GPC by email: panda@thegpc.co.uk t: (01608) 654040
Tilly Tayler-Levy at The GPC by email: media@thegpc.co.uk t: (01608) 654040