Petplan Equine horse insurance

Veterinary Requirements

When you apply for horse insurance you will be asked to sign or agree a declaration confirming that you have disclosed any information that may affect the application. This includes information on your horse’s state of health and previous veterinary history.


About your horse Plan available
Horses aged between 30 days and 19 years old inclusive Horse Insurance. Provides cover for injuries and illness up to the age of 25*
Horses aged 20 or over when cover is first taken out Veteran Plan. Provides cover for injuries only
  • If a Horse Insurance policy is taken out before your horse turns 20 years old we can continue to provide cover for injuries and illness until they turn 25*.
  • Online maximum sum insured value is £10,000. Please contact our equine team on 0330 102 1658 for a quote if you have a horse with a value higher than £10,000. We will insure horses with a value of up to £40,000.
*provided you renew your policy each year

Additional information requirements

  • When you apply for a Horse Insurance or Veteran Plan policy we may request additional information from you depending on the cover that you require
  • We don't always require additional information in order to set up an insurance policy
  • If we do require additional information from your we will not be able to complete your application online. We will provide Injury Only Temporary Cover for your horse whilst we await the requested information. Your full policy will not start until our underwriters receive the requested information.

If you have ever had your horse vetted, we ask to see a copy of the veterinary certificate

If a vetting is a requirement, this must be no more than 30 days old at the date of the insurance application

About your horse What we will ask you to provide
Market value of up to £5,000 with no Permanent Loss of Use cover No additional requirements
Foal aged between 30 days and 1 year old 2 stage vetting (mortality certificate)
Market value of £5,001 up to £10,000 with no Permanent Loss of Use cover 2 stage vetting (mortality certificate)
Market value of £10,001 up to £30,000 with no Permanent Loss of Use cover 2 stage vetting (mortality certificate)
Purchase receipt
Market value of £2,501 up to £10,000 with Permanent Loss of Use cover 5 stage vetting
Market value of £10,001 up to £40,000 with Permanent Loss of Use cover 5 stage vetting
Purchase receipt
X-rays of front feet, fetlocks and hocks
X-ray views

X- Ray Views

For £10,000.00 or over with Permanent Loss Of Use cover

Dorso –Palmer and latero- medial views of front feet, pasterns and fetlock. This should include:

  1. Dorsoproximal – palmarodistal oblique (dpr- padio) of pedal bone.
  2. Dpr- Padio view of navicular bones.
  3. Lateromedial views of pedal and navicular bones
  4. Dorso- palmer views of pasterns and fetlocks.
  5. Latero- medial views of pasterns and fetlocks

Hind legs:

Dorso- pianter and latero- medial and oblique views of both hocks.

  1. Dorso- plantar views of both hocks
  2. Latero- medial views of both hocks
  3. Dorsolateral – plantaromedial oblique view of both hocks.

Please ensure that the front shoes are removed prior to x-rays being take of the feet.

Horse on loan Name and address of horse's owner
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