Monthly diary — December 2011

Lucinda Green

At last I’ve been riding more regularly as my bust arm heals. According to the hospital’s gadget, it’s now half as strong as my other one – good enough to plod about on Lissa’s horse, Danny, as he recovers from his broken wither (see July / August 2011 diaries).

Hopefully it will improve further before I fly to South Africa – firstly teaching before going on safari across the Salt Pans of the Kalahari Desert, Botswana. I’ve requested a horse which I can stop one-handed…

As for my horses, CF is still awaiting team-chasing to get underway again while Bill is hunting with The Mendip Farmers and not putting a foot wrong. Now the right people just need to come along so the horses can go in their new directions.

Sadly, not only am I heading towards horseless–ness (at least for a little while), but unexpectedly I lost my part–Norfolk terrier, Bisto, too. He was hairing around with some new friends in the yard I was visiting when suddenly he belted down the drive in full voice – and that was it. We think he ran into the side of a moving vehicle as there was not a mark on him. Anyone who loves dogs will understand how tough it is to suddenly lose that unconditional love.

So the year ends rather strangely, but with the promise of exciting things ahead. I’m delighted to continue supporting the Austrians' quest for individual entry to the Olympics; then there's the adrenaline–filled two weeks of the Olympics themselves.

I'm commentating for Australian TV on all things equestrian so will be preparing well. And, if Bill finds a new Mum, I’ll keep an eye out for a young horse and who knows what dipping
my toe course-designing waters will bring? Roll on 2012…

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