Press room
2011 press releases
Posted: 14/02/11
Petplan Equine Presents Second Annual High Achiever Award
Following the success of the inaugural Petplan Equine High Achiever Award last year, the UK's specialist equine insurer, Petplan Equine, is again giving special recognition to the rider who achieves the highest overall percentage score at the eleventh annual Petplan Equine Area Festival Finals, to be held at Hartpury College from 13th April – 17th April.
The combination that triumphs over 400 other competitors taking part at the "Petplans", as they have become known, will win a five day intensive training course with Adam Kemp FBHS and Mat Frost at Gloucestershire-based AM Dressage.
More than 2,000 amateur dressage riders from all over the UK competed at 15 Area festivals across the country from August to November 2010, for a place in the finals which are run under true championship conditions alongside the NAF Five Star Winter Dressage Championships.
The winner of the Petplan Equine High Achiever Award will not necessarily be the rider at the highest level but the one who achieves the highest percentage score across the competition irrespective of the championship class in which they are competing.
Last year's winner, Devon-based Janine Jansen scooped the prize with a combined score of 72% achieved when she won the Petplan Equine Elementary Open Area Festival Final and the Novice Open Final. Janine then went on to win the Elementary Restricted Championship title at the 2010 Dressage Deluxe National Championships held at Stoneleigh Park in September for which she gave credit to the additional 'High Achiever' training Petplan Equine and AM Dressage provided.
Commenting on the High Achiever Award, Alison Andrew Marketing Manager of Petplan Equine said, "Janine's success highlights the way in which the standard of riding in the Area festivals is improving year on year. We look forward to adding a new combination to the High Achiever's roll of honour this year."
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For more information please contact the Petplan press office on:
Name | Telephone | |
Tolu Akisanya | 0208 580 8194 | tolu.akisanya@allianz.co.uk |
Carl Stephens | 0208 707 8335 | carl.stephens@allianz.co.uk |
Petplan Equine is the UK's leading horse insurance provider offering a wide variety of flexible horse insurance and rider insurance policies which cater for all levels of experience.
Established more than 20 years ago, Petplan Equine is part of Allianz Insurance, one of the largest general insurers in the world.
For more information about a Petplan Equine horse insurance policy, please visit:
Note to editors:
- Petplan Equine was founded in 1988.
- It is part of Allianz Animal Health, the largest provider of animal health insurance in the world and part of Allianz – one of the largest general insurers in the UK.
- In addition to horse and pony insurance options, Petplan Equine provides dedicated products for veteran horses and rider only insurance cover.
- It is the sister brand of Petplan, the largest provider of small animal insurance in the UK.
- Allianz Animal Health handled more than 375,000 claims in 2006, over 7,200 per week and paid out approximately £2.4 million in claims per week.
- Petplan Equine believes in supporting the equine community and provides more financial support to equestrian sports and activities than any equine insurance provider in the UK.
- Sponsorships for 2007 include the Petplan Equine National Riding Festival, BSJA Senior Newcomers, the British Dressage Area festivals, Lucinda Green "Cross Country the Safe Way" clinics.
- The Pet Plan Charitable Trust was founded in 1994 to raise much needed funds for animal welfare and veterinary projects. Money is raised by Petplan and Petplan Equine customers giving an optional £1.50 to the Trust when they take out or renew their policy. To date, almost £5 million has been awarded by the Trust.
- Petplan and Petplan Equine are specialist insurers. As such, the company employs more horse riders and owners than any other and more former veterinary practice staff than any other to ensure the provision of specialist knowledge.
- Petplan Equine has produced a Horse Handbook, a useful guide for horse owners or those thinking about owning a horse to help them with everything from feeding to travel.