Press room
2011 press releases
Posted: 01/02/11
Save but don't scrimp on your horse's insurance
When economic times are tough, we all look to find ways to save money, whether it's buying less, finding cheaper alternatives or going without. This month, Alison Andrew, horse enthusiast and marketing manager of specialist equestrian insurance provider, Petplan Equine, whether horse insurance is a luxury or an essential we can't afford to be without:
"Horse owners know that even the fittest, healthiest horse can become ill or injured at any time and that the associated vet's fees can run to thousands of pounds. Some people do choose to take the risk in the hope their horse won't need treatment, but it's not a decision to take lightly.
"If you have a good quality insurance policy, it not only means it will cover your costs if your horse is ill or is injured in an accident, but it also gives you the peace of mind to be able to get your horse checked by a vet if there is something you're worried about.
"We recently conducted some research among horse owners which found that over 90% feel able to identify symptoms of colic, laminitis and respiratory problems and that nearly 50% spent time researching symptoms on the internet before phoning a vet. Whilst it is good to help develop your own knowledge of potential illnesses, particularly with a view to preventing them, there are some diseases and types of injury which can advance rapidly if they don't receive the right treatment, so it's important to get professional advice early-on.
"When it comes to choosing the right insurance policy for you and your horse, it's worth doing your homework because all policies differ. The best advice would be to use a specialist insurer that fully understands the equestrian sector. They should be able to provide you with a flexible policy to suit your needs and will understand the sorts of issues and illnesses you need cover for.
"Specialist cover really comes into its own if you have to claim. For example, at Petplan Equine, our claims team is staffed by equestrian enthusiasts, many of whom have equine qualifications or own horses. If you phone us to discuss a claim about laminitis or colic, we'll immediately know what you're talking about and be able to deal with your claim efficiently. As a result, we pay out 90% of all claims within 5 days and we can pay your vet direct so you're never out of pocket.
"If you already have an equine policy in place, one way to save money is to check what is covered. Equine homeopathic remedies and complementary therapies are increasing in popularity but surprisingly, only 30% of Petplan policyholders said they would consult a vet for a prescription or referral for this kind of treatment thereby losing out on the opportunity to claim on their insurance policy for these treatments. Good specialist insurers should cover complementary therapies, provided they are recommended by a vet, and should also cover the cost of diagnostics to identify the cause of a disease. So make sure you consult your vet before self-prescribing as the associated costs could be covered under your policy.
"We know everyone is looking to save money right now, however deciding not to buy horse insurance could prove to be a false economy. We recently had a case where an otherwise healthy horse was unexpectedly diagnosed initially with something as innocuous as a tooth abscess, following which, the horse endured a catalogue of conditions (both related and unrelated) and resulted in vets fees of up to £9,000.. Luckily for the owner, her Petplan Equine policy covered her and her horse is now back to full health."
For further information, visit www.petplanequine.co.uk or call 0330 102 1658.
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Tolu Akisanya | 0208 580 8194 | tolu.akisanya@allianz.co.uk |
Carl Stephens | 0208 707 8335 | carl.stephens@allianz.co.uk |
Petplan Equine is the UK's leading horse insurance provider offering a wide variety of flexible horse insurance and rider insurance policies which cater for all levels of experience.
Established more than 20 years ago, Petplan Equine is part of Allianz Insurance, one of the largest general insurers in the world.
For more information about a Petplan Equine horse insurance policy, please visit:
Note to editors:
- Petplan Equine was founded in 1988.
- It is part of Allianz Animal Health, the largest provider of animal health insurance in the world and part of Allianz – one of the largest general insurers in the UK.
- In addition to horse and pony insurance options, Petplan Equine provides dedicated products for veteran horses and rider only insurance cover.
- It is the sister brand of Petplan, the largest provider of small animal insurance in the UK.
- Allianz Animal Health handled more than 375,000 claims in 2006, over 7,200 per week and paid out approximately £2.4 million in claims per week.
- Petplan Equine believes in supporting the equine community and provides more financial support to equestrian sports and activities than any equine insurance provider in the UK.
- Sponsorships for 2007 include the Petplan Equine National Riding Festival, BSJA Senior Newcomers, the British Dressage Area festivals, Lucinda Green "Cross Country the Safe Way" clinics.
- The Pet Plan Charitable Trust was founded in 1994 to raise much needed funds for animal welfare and veterinary projects. Money is raised by Petplan and Petplan Equine customers giving an optional £1.50 to the Trust when they take out or renew their policy. To date, almost £5 million has been awarded by the Trust.
- Petplan and Petplan Equine are specialist insurers. As such, the company employs more horse riders and owners than any other and more former veterinary practice staff than any other to ensure the provision of specialist knowledge.
- Petplan Equine has produced a Horse Handbook, a useful guide for horse owners or those thinking about owning a horse to help them with everything from feeding to travel.