Press room
2008-2003 press releases
Posted: 01/04/03
The History of Petplan Equine
Founded in 1988, Petplan Equine provides a dedicated insurance service to horse owners and riders throughout the UK. The extensive range of cover offered varies from Rider Plan for those who don't own a horse but ride regularly, to Veteran Plan, for the older horse and pony. A policy from Petplan Equine provides you with the reassurance of having financial protection from one of the largest equine insurance providers.
Enhancing the success of Petplan's small animal division, Petplan Equine has risen to the challenge of a more sophisticated market place by developing a comprehensive premium structure in their equine policies. Providing insurance to meet the needs of each owner and their horse or pony ensures that the client need only pay for the cover they require and reassures that the very best in veterinary care can be available.
The equine insurance market has witnessed continued growth within recent years as more and more people recognise the importance of insuring against the unexpected costs that are all too frequently experienced as part of owning a horse or pony.
Veterinary science can now offer more advanced diagnostic tools and surgical techniques in circumstances where previously the future may not have been bright for the horse or pony concerned. Conditions such as colic can require major surgical treatment, often at a cost of many hundreds or even thousands of pounds. Months of treatment for lameness conditions can also amount to a significant bill.
This is where the financial bridge of insurance with Petplan Equine crosses the gap between the necessary treatment and the costs involved. The veterinary fees cover provided by Petplan Equine policies, £5,000 as standard (£1,000 for Veteran Plan) towards treatment for each illness or injury, gives owners the reassurance that at least the financial strain will be reduced at often difficult and stressful times.
Increasingly Third Party Liability is becoming an issue for horse owners and cover for this is an important part of any policy. Following the recent developments in Third Party rulings, Petplan Equine believes now, more than ever, Third Party Liability cover is essential. Offering cover from £1 million to £5 million, they provide the assurance of financial protection against large legal costs should an owner be proved legally liable for an incident involving their insured horse.
Petplan Equine is owned by Allianz, part of the Allianz Group - one of the largest financial institutions in the world. Insuring with Petplan Equine not only gives financial reassurance when accidents or problems arise, but also the security of a financially sound and committed financial services company.
Petplan Equine is known for its professionalism and specialist knowledge of the equine world. The staff who handle the policies and claims are all knowledgeable horse owners or riders and have a great love of all things equine.
As our new message says, 'Petplan Equine - Sharing the care of your horse'.